How to build calamares – compare, change and build

How to build calamares – compare, change and build

In the video we will build Calamares with 3 different pkgbuilds. Google the words pkgbuild and Calamares and you will many more 'recipes' how to build the application. You will have to learn how to change Calamares to your personal requirements. We have explained that...

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Now using Zstandard instead of xz for package compression

Now using Zstandard instead of xz for package compression

This does NOT concern the users ofArcoLinux or Arch Linux This does concern the packagersArcoLinuxB or CarliArch Linux decided to change the format of the packaging from pkg.tar.xz to pkg.tar.zst. I let you read the official message from Arch Linux. See image above....

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Creating a pkgbuild from scratch and putting it on AUR

Creating a pkgbuild from scratch and putting it on AUR

What if you find an application you like and it is not on the AUR. Make the PKGBUILD yourself and put it on the AUR so others can benefit from your work and maintenance. We take gitfiend as example. We have no notion if it is a good application or...

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Building a package in clean chroot environment

Building a package in clean chroot environment

If you are building a package that needs to go on an iso it is good practice - if technically possible - to build it in a clean chroot environment.It is like having a small Arch Linux computer system on your ArcoLinux. A kind of jail Arch Linux they call...

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How to make a PKGBUILD for ufetch-arco

How to make a PKGBUILD for ufetch-arco

Ufetch is one of your funscripts that we can install on our system. You can find all the information about the fun script here. We discover that ufetch has a specific Arco look for the script. We decided to make a separate package for ArcoLinux called ufetch-arco-git....

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What is a meta package and how to create one

What is a meta package and how to create one

We started reading the wiki page about creating packages first. Read the guidelines we should follow. Then we analyze pkgbuilds of others. And finally we copy/paste this code to make our own package. Normally these...

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Submicron wallpapers pkgbuild series

Submicron wallpapers pkgbuild series

There are 11 video's on the topic. Use the button on the top left inside the youtube window to switch. In this video series we will see my complete workflow how I got from a huge download to packages that ArcoLinux users can install. We create githubs. We...

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How to build a package to get ready to release an iso

How to build a package to get ready to release an iso

When we launch an iso we need to update all the AUR packages so that we have an up-to-date iso. We go to the AUR and download the snapshot. Build the particular packages and update them on the ArcoLinux iso repo. Basically we check if we have the latest version...

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How to build a package from AUR with MAKEPKG

How to build a package from AUR with MAKEPKG

Let us build trizen from the AUR with the PKGBUILD. Monthly (before each release) we check if the AUR packages got a new version. Then we download a snapshot of the pkgbuild and build it  ourselves with makepkg. .pkg.tar.xz is your extension (signal) that you can...

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How to make a package and include it in your repo

How to make a package and include it in your repo

  We are showing you how to make a package and will post it later on the ArcoLinux repo. We surf to the AUR packages website of Arch Linux and look for xfce4-panel-profiles. We download the snapshot and extract it. The PKGBUILD file is your recipe to create a...

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