This article will not make any sense if you did not see the tutorials in this article.
We have SSH and GPG already setup after the tutorial of Github
We can reuse our settings for Gitlab
SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
Server =$repo/-/raw/main/$arch
Phase 1
The journey includes registering a new account on GitLab, deliberating on hosting options for Git repositories, and considering alternatives like Bitbucket among others. The speaker walks through the process of setting up a new project on GitLab, facing challenges with making the repository public, and configuring SSH and GPG keys for secure connections. Despite efforts to change repository settings to public, the project remains private, indicating a potential need for further exploration or assistance. That will be fixed in the next videos.
The attempt to push to the repository is successful, but the inability to share the project publicly remains unresolved by the end of the video. The speaker suggests that while significant progress has been made in exploring GitLab features and setting up a project, there’s still more to learn and adjust, particularly in making the project accessible to others.
Phase 2
In this video, the speaker navigates through GitLab’s settings to make a project public, encountering challenges along the way. Initially, attempts are made to use different git commands like `git push` and `git remote set URL` based on recommendations from other texts, but these efforts do not resolve the issue of making the project visible publicly. The speaker also experiments with deleting and creating new projects, adjusting project visibility settings, and adding a README file, yet these attempts also fail to make the project public.
A breakthrough is achieved when the speaker finds the group setting.
The solution is eventually found in the group settings, where changing the group’s visibility to public makes the project visible to everyone, showcasing the inherited properties from the group settings to the project.
Here we continue to teach for isobuilder
Phase 3
Creating an Arch Linux repository for pacman
The text discusses the process of creating an Arch Linux repository on GitLab, referred to as “prime_ repo”. The author goes through the steps of setting up the repository on GitLab, configuring SSH and GPG for secure communication.
Further, the author explores the process of adding packages to the repository, emphasizing the flexibility of GitLab for hosting Arch Linux packages. They detail the steps of pulling from GitLab, adding files to the repository, committing changes, and pushing updates back to GitLab. The video highlights the nuances of working with GitLab, such as the need to modify specific repository settings to accommodate the Arch Linux packaging system and the importance of correctly setting repository visibility for public access.
The creation of the Arch Linux repository on GitLab serves as a comprehensive guide, illustrating the potential for using GitLab as a platform for hosting and managing Arch Linux packages.
Check out the content of the to be able to work with Gitlab
Phase 4 – create your own mirrolist
I have more than one source – github/gitlab/bitbucket/…
The discussion revolves around a scenario where the prime-repo is simultaneously hosted on Bitbucket, GitLab, and GitHub. The challenge encountered is that Pacman, the Arch Linux package manager, is unable to distinguish among these three databases due to them sharing the identical name, leading to potential issues during package downloads.
The proposed resolution is the introduction of a mirror list. This approach facilitates specifying multiple sources for package retrieval, granting users the autonomy to select a source or allowing for an automatic alternative selection if the primary source is unavailable. The speaker recommends naming the file in accordance with the distribution, opting for “Linux Prime” in this instance, and proceeds to demonstrate the process of crafting and populating a mirror list file with URLs from the three repositories.