Create your own mirrorlist as source for pacman

Content of /etc/pacman.conf

SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
Include = /etc/pacman.d/linuxprime

Content of /etc/pacman.d/linuxprime

Server =$repo/$arch
Server =$repo/-/raw/main/$arch
Server =$repo/raw/main/$arch/

In this video, the speaker presents a solution for ISO builders or distribution builders who are navigating the complexities of Git. The discussion revolves around a scenario where a prime-repo is simultaneously hosted on Bitbucket, GitLab, and GitHub. The challenge encountered is that Pacman, the Arch Linux package manager, is unable to distinguish among these three databases due to them sharing the identical name, leading to potential issues during package downloads.

The proposed resolution is the introduction of a mirror list. This approach facilitates specifying multiple sources for package retrieval, granting users the autonomy to select a source or allowing for an automatic alternative selection if the primary source is unavailable. The speaker recommends naming the file in accordance with the distribution, opting for “linuxprime” in this instance, and proceeds to demonstrate the process of crafting and populating a mirror list file with URLs from the three repositories.

Essential actions include generating a new file within the Linux system’s mirror list directory, entering the repository URLs with precise syntax, and configuring Pacman to consult this mirror list for updates. By integrating the mirror list into Pacman’s configuration, it enables the system to iterate through the outlined sources to locate the needed packages, thus providing a robust fallback mechanism for package acquisition.

This methodology not only serves as an effective strategy for managing repositories across various hosting services but also augments the reliability of package access for users. Concluding the discussion, the speaker highlights the significance of this technique for individuals within the Arch Linux community who are engaged in creating their own ISOs, ensuring efficient package management across a spectrum of hosting platforms.