6 Arch Iso 51.1-1 update and calamares rebuild
There quite a few updates since our last visit. python update boost update archiso update We need to compare the new archiso folder with our current one. We need to build a new Calamares version. TIP : always up the number in the pkgbuild We need to reboot because of...
5 Carli 9 received a new signing key and a script to get the key
Users reported a problem with the key from Carli. Unfortunately something went wrong with the personal password for the key on my end so I had to create a new key from scratch. Following this tutorial I created a new key and a new keyring for Carli. And now we test it...
4 Using archiso 49-1 for Carli 9
The video starts with a bit of history HOW ArcoLinux started and evolved - indulge me. We have a Carli 9 on our github and we want to update it so that it can work with the latest Archiso 49-1. We use plasma as example. You know you can choose any desktop. We show you...
3 Creation of a new Calamares and new configuration
In this video we will create a new Calamares. We will check our configuration files with the ones coming from the github of Calamares. We will built a new configuration package. Put the builds on the repo. Beware the jump in numbers from 20.9 to 20.10!! Sign packages...
2 Creation of Carli 9
We compare the contents of the latest releng (48) to our Carli 9 content.We build the Carli iso and change mkarchiso settings in order to be more verbose.We test out our Carli iso and show you how to start calamares in debugging mode where the archiso folder resides...
1 Comparing all the changes in the latest archiso versions – 46 – 47 – 48
We compare the contents of the different versions of ArchIso 46 -47 - 48.Carli Github sourcesGet your code for Carli 1Get your code for Carli 2Get your code for Carli 3Get your code for Carli 4Get your code for Carli 5Get your code for Carli 6Get your code for Carli...