10 Adding the Carli key(ring) to the live environment and the future system
In this video we go over all the last changes I have made that were NOT documented in a video. We had to figure out why the Carli key was present and working on the future system and why it was not working on the live environment. We created also a new pkgbuild for...
9 Creating a Carli keyring
Look on the internet how others make a keyring and look for pkgbuilds. Personally I have used Manjaro as an example for ArcoLinux. With some common sense you can change it into the package you need. This time around I would like to use another source. I could have...
8 creating a gpg key to sign our Carli packages
In this article we create a key to sign our packages. We follow this article to create the key. http://www.arcolinuxiso.com/create-a-key-to-sign-your-packages/ Ensure you create a good personal and private keyword. Use lastpass or bitwarden or other password...
7 Adding calamares to the desktop to launch your installation
We have to look for the Calamares installer in our menu. In ArcoLinux Calamares is started up by default so you can install it immediately. That is because we use /etc/xdg/autostart folder. On Carli we want a .desktop file on the desktop to launch Calamares. In the...
6 Check the archiso.readme – install the correct version of archiso
Check out the content of your download when building the ArcoLinuxB isos or the Carli iso. There is a file called archiso.readme. It defines what archiso version you should have to have a successful iso build.
5 improving the mkinitcpio presets
We wanted to make sure the future system contains the right preset for the mkinitcpio command. We use the power of Calamares to create an instance of the module shellprocess to change our preset carli to linux.preset at the right time and the right place.
4 Figuring out the issues – summary
It is incredible difficult to recall the course of actions of the last 4-5 hours. I do try in the video. It is more important to ArcoLinux that you learn how to solve any challenge then learning this challenge. Analyzing is super important. Use the tool meld to...
3 making the latest calamares and fixing our error with a new calamares configuration
Now it is time to fix that error but why not first build the latest Calamares. There were several versions released since we last build one. First we make a round-up. What updates have we pushed to Carli 8? You can always look a the commits we made on the github...
2 Inspecting the new build script – building the iso – building ckbcomp and yay-bin
The file build.sh is the most important file. We have compared this file in a separate video. Next we build the iso and since we have time to spare during building we make an new package for yay-bin ckbcomp and put the new packages on our repo. They will be included...
1 Comparing the new Archiso release with Carli
During our holiday months July and August of 2020 we get not one but two updates in. As always we need to follow up anything that happens to this application and adjust our scripts to it (if we want). It is our goal to stay as close as possible to the Arch Linux iso...