15 What is our end result with Carli 5
We install plasma in Spanish We first check if all githubs have been pushed to the net. Then we build the iso again and we explain the important elements of Calamares during the installation of Carli. We boot up and we tweak some settings and venture to install some...
14 Creating the carli-calamares-configuration – initcpio
The module initcpio is pointing to a linux312. That kernel does not exist at all on Arch Linux. Read on the Arch Wiki to know more about mkinitcpio. We need to add the initcpio.config to the carli-calamares-config and we change the name from linux312 to linux. The...
13 Fixing the carli-calamares-config
The mistake was putting our unpackfs.conf inside a folder in the modules folder. All .conf files need to be under the /etc/calamares/modules folder We see me changing the package, putting it on github, change the pkgbuild, building the package and putting in online in...
12 Which videos should you watch to understand Calamares better
Use calamares in debug modeUse calamares in debug mode from terminalForgot to start with debug - always a logfileAutostarting CalamaresHow does Calamares work - non-technical
11 Testing out the new Calamares config in VirtualBox
After creating our carli-calamares-config we want to see what this config will do to our live system. First we use meld to compare Carli 4 with Carli 5 to quickly see what we have done until now. We build a new Carli. Calamares will not boot up by default. If you want...
10 Creating a pkgbuild for Calamares config
We created a branding for our Calamares. We want to see how it looks right now. First we need to commit our config to the github. Then we create a PKGBUILD for carli-calamares-config. We use one of the pkgbuilds from ArcoLinux to get some kind of start. We will change...
9 Creating our Calamares config – branding
Start by opening this url and read it. Configs and version of calamares go hand in hand Follow the configs and settings present in the version of Calamares you choose The settings.conf file is going to be the file that will tell Calamares what to do first. It defines...
8 How to give the liveuser root permissions
We are trying out a new logo created by ArcoLinux Zver43.Following the sources at the bottom of this article we create an extra folder and file to give the liveuser the possibility to update the system, to install and remove packages.Folder = /etc/sudoers.dFile =...
7 Building Carli and adding more dependencies to the carli_repo
Work in progress.
6 How to create your own online Arch Linux repository on github and use it on any ArcoLinux
This article has been added to carli5 in order to have another article where we explain how to add a repository. If article 5 was clear, you can skip this article.We created in another video a new package called openbox-themes-pambudi-git. There is a general way to...
5 Creating a repository for Calamares – rebuild of Calamares with zst extension
We created Calamares but now the question is "How to get Calamares on our live usb?" We need to create a repository in order for pacman to download and install Calamares and the other packages on the iso. https://github.com/arcolinuxiso/carli_repo...
4 Changing the PKGBUILD from Manjaro to our own version
We start with the PKGBUILD from Manjaro and we will change it to our liking. We need to change the source of the build for example. https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/extra/calamares/blob/master/PKGBUILDWe see what elements we can eliminate. The first thing we see is...
3 PKGBUILD for Calamares coming from Manjaro
We change the PKGBUILD from kpmcore3 to kpmcore.We look on the internet how to build Calamares. A simple search "pkgbuild calamares" reveals that many distros are using Calamares. We look for a recent pkgbuild....
2 Exploring Calamares and installing its dependencies
At the start of the video we undo all of our actions from the previous article. We want Carli to follow the blueprint of Arch Linux but of-course we want to have a desktop on our distro. We have choosen plasma with sddm.We visit the following sites and read all the...
1 Let us compare Arch Linux 2020-02-01 with Carli
Every month Arch Linux is releasing its Arch Linux iso. So every month we need to see what packages they have added or deleted because we want our Carli to start off with the same package base as a rule. We download the Arch Linux iso. We mount it (or unpack it) and...