3 let us give carli a personalized bootup screen or splash.png
With gimp and a nice logo you can personalize your own distro. They will see this screen when users boot up from your iso. We will reuse the standard Arch Linux splash.png to have the proper dimensions and change it the way we want. After burning the iso to a usb and...
Using carli 3 to install larbs or Luke’s Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts
Goals, Objectives & Strategy investigate the current installers for Arch Linux PreliminaryRead all info available on https://larbs.xyz/ Check out code on https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/LARBS https://github.com/lukesmithxyz/voidrice Check all the packages aka the...
2 Creation of Carli-3 on github
We discovered that libatomic_ops has been added to their iso. This video will show you how to use github and create a new github for carli3. First we need to delete the out and work folder before we can copy/paste the content of Carli2 to Carli3. We use a script for...
1 Arch Linux update from Dec 2019 results in Carli-3
Every month Arch Linux is releasing its Arch Linux iso. So every month we need to see what packages they have added or deleted because we want our Carli to start off with the same package base as a rule. We download the arch linux iso. We mount it and we get the...