8 New archiso – new Calamares – new Calamares config

8 New archiso – new Calamares – new Calamares config

The goal is to create a new look for Calamares. We did not record the jump to the last version of Archiso since there was almost no change. But before we do that there is more maintenance work to be done. We need to update our Calamares package to version 3.2.40....

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1 Carli 10 – Moving away from using customize_airootfs.sh

1 Carli 10 – Moving away from using customize_airootfs.sh

We did not record all the changes.It started out with a small change and ended in a complete switch. We will use gitahead and meld to check the changes. What is different between Carli 9 and Carli 10? The video is one hour. Summary customize_airootfs.sh is NOT used...

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