Where do I find the knowledge to build isos?
Xerolinux project stopped creating ISOs You start by reading this article and listening to all the videos in the links. We stress again the importance of workflow and reading. A lot of reading and comparing. Use the code that is online and learn from it. Then make...
Let us build EndeavourOS on ArcoLinux
The point of the video is to learn from the building process of someone else to learn that we need the EndeavourOS repositories to learn to change the pacman.conf to include the EndeavourOS repositories to learn to avoid conflicts between repositories and keys to...
Creating a pkgbuild from scratch and putting it on AUR
What if you find an application you like and it is not on the AUR. Make the PKGBUILD yourself and put it on the AUR so others can benefit from your work and maintenance. We take gitfiend as example. https://gitfiend.com We have no notion if it is a good application or...
How does ArcoLinux use the archiso script and its own scripts to build all the isos
Arcolinux has just one iso We started with Xfce, Openbox and i3 We eliminate a lot of packageswe get arcolinuxd In ArcoLinuxB we share the building process with you every desktop gets its own backpack Green= 30 script Yellow = build script from Archiso Red = airootfs...
Analyzing the PKGBUILD of xcursor-breeze using updpkgsums
This was a very good opportunity to learn how to update a PKGBUILD yourself.It is not complex.The url is wrong and with a small correction that issue is fixed.The checksum is then wrong and with using the updpkgsums application we can auto update the...
Managing files via packages rather than putting them on the archiso
We start of by changing the version of ArcoLinux in the /etc/lsb-release file.At this point in time we have create a file that is interesting to explain as it concerns how to build an Archiso.Basically we have moved files from the Archiso to a new package...