OLD LOOKNEW LOOKThe video discusses the user's work on customizing the Carli project and the Calamares installer with a new theme and color scheme. Here's a summary of the key points: Interface Changes: The user moved the application menu from the top to the left side...
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5 Carli 9 received a new signing key and a script to get the key
Users reported a problem with the key from Carli. Unfortunately something went wrong with the personal password for the key on my end so I had to create a new key from scratch. Following this tutorial I created a new key and a new keyring for Carli. And now we test it...
Creating a new Calamares version – updating other packages
This article takes you through the ongoing development and updates of Carli, a customized Arch Linux ISO. We begin by discussing the initial steps of booting from the SSD containing the Carli system, explaining the choices made to simplify the installation process and...
Updating ArchIso and Calamares – workflow process
In this video series, we're diving into Carli, a project designed for creating custom Arch Linux ISOs. Here, you'll learn how to build, modify, and maintain your own Linux distribution using Archiso and the Calamares installer. Carli Overview Carli is more than just...
Creating a new Carli – archiso update – cowspace – grub – ricing
FASE 1We begin by discussing the process of updating and managing the rolling release nature of Arch-based distributions, using an example from a project called Carli. The discussion transitions to building Carli, specifically the Carli 12 version. We delve into...
Carli key expired – how to change the expiration date of your key and make a carli-keyring again
In this video we will show you how to change the expiration date of your key. Put it online on the keyservers and make an carli-keyring package for it. Resources are : http://www.g-loaded.eu/2010/11/01/change-expiration-date-gpg-key/...
9 Creation of a new Calamares and a new Calamares configuration based on the QML modules
Read here to know more about the bay I mentioned in the beginning of the video. We show you how to create a new Calamares version and will show a possible workflow. Some tips and tricks as well. We decide to keep the configuration apart from the application. The...
A comprehensive guide to iso building
a comprehensive guideto iso buildingThis guide aims to be complete.This guide will point you to the information you need.This guide will become gradually more difficult as the numbering increases.This guide will point you to the tutorials from the CARLI project.This...
8 creating a gpg key to sign our Carli packages
In this article we create a key to sign our packages. We follow this article to create the key. http://www.arcolinuxiso.com/create-a-key-to-sign-your-packages/ Ensure you create a good personal and private keyword. Use lastpass or bitwarden or other password...
Create a key to sign your packages
Start by reading these pages to get a background notion of what we are going to do. We want to sign our packages with our personal and unique key so that pacman knows that that particular package is without a doubt created by one particular person and that there can...
How to make a package and include it in your repo
We are showing you how to make a package and will post it later on the ArcoLinux repo. We surf to the AUR packages website of Arch Linux and look for xfce4-panel-profiles. We download the snapshot and extract it. The PKGBUILD file is your recipe to create a...