9 Creating our Calamares config – branding

Configs and version of calamares go hand in hand

Follow the configs and settings present in the version of Calamares you choose

The settings.conf file is going to be the file that will tell Calamares what to do first. It defines a sequence of modules.

Most of the modules have a .conf file. That is there for the user to change. If there is no .config, you can not change it.

We put our configs in /etc/calamares/modules.

In the video we can see how everything is organized. We create githubs and create the calamares config together.

We will create our own branding of Calamares.

We change the strings in the branding.desc. We call some of the strings “Carli”.

We keep everything pretty much as is. We intend to theme and tweak our branding later.