7 Adding calamares to the desktop to launch your installation

We have to look for the Calamares installer in our menu.

In ArcoLinux Calamares is started up by default so you can install it immediately.

That is because we use /etc/xdg/autostart folder.

On Carli we want a .desktop file on the desktop to launch Calamares.

In the video we speak about the /etc/skel folder and the /etc/xdg folder.

We create a new package called carli-system-installation that will containg the desktop file.

We create a new pkgbuild for the new package and test it out.

We analyze how we will delete the calamares.desktop again later on the users system.

After the installation of Calamares we want the calamares.desktop to be gone for the user.

We have added a line into the schellproces.conf of Calamares.

So we need to build a new calamares configuration package.

We will build a new Calamares application as well. The last Calamares version is now 3.2.30.

We recommend comparing your code with the code you can find on the internet. Google for calamare or pkgbuild or configs and learn by reading code.