We change the PKGBUILD from kpmcore3 to kpmcore.
We look on the internet how to build Calamares.
A simple search “pkgbuild calamares” reveals that many distros are using Calamares. We look for a recent pkgbuild.
We get this code in and create a file called PKGBUILD.
We create a new github to share our PKGBUILDs called carli-pkgbuild.
We add the Calamares PKGBUILD to our new github.
We build calamares on our computer and we see that we need more elements to build the Calamares according to Manjaro.
We install some extra packages in order to build Calamares:
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed qt5-translations yay -S ckbcomp sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed plasma-framework
We investigate what Calamares will install on your computer IF we use the Calamares from Manjaro.
We will use the github from Calamares and not Manjaro. It is a good exercise to investigate nevertheless.