1 Let us compare Arch Linux 2020 05 with Carli 6

Prior to this video and article we had to update our ssd that was never touched or updated for six months.

Update video 1

Update video 2

There is a new version for the archiso package. That is the package we use in order to build isos on Arch Linux. So we need to compare notes. Did something change?

In the video we say we have choosen to install plasma but ofcourse it can be any other desktop. We have 16 desktops at the moment of writing.

Check out the cheatsheet what packages you need to install the desktop you like.

We create a new github for Carli 6 on the github and the website.

We download the Arch Linux iso and look for the package file.

We need to build the Carli 6 and look for the package file as well.

It is these two files that I would like to compare.

We need to edit the packages.86_64 file from Carli and the customize_airootfs.sh in order to be able to do that.

Unfortunately the proc was mounted and we needed to reboot in order to continue our build.

We have just rebooted and anything mounted during the build process is gone again.

Remember this trick

We build Carli 6 again.

While it is building we are going to compare the content of the new package archiso with our own in Carli 6.

There is nothing to do.

Then we campare both package lists (Arch Linux and Carli 6) and again we have nothing to do.